Welcome to the ProSvet Project site!
ProSvet.org - Christian domain.
The project has got this domain name in July 2004 and is still under development.
Christian web portal for both Christians and non-Christians is supposed to become alternative to the popular web resources of the world, which were build sometimes without thinking of spiritual and physical welfare.
Some projects have not received their own domain names.
Training Christians, as well as anyone concerned, in developing sites conforming to the Web Standards (World Wide Web Consortium specifications, like (X)HTML and CSS). Training people in developing sites conforming to the principles of structural (semantic) markup, progressive methods of design complying with accessibility and usability principles (like WCAG and Section 508). Call to subject external trick effects to the content and ease of use.
Volunteers are needed to work unpaid (probably once-only):
Any interesting and useful materials are accepted (regardless of their temporal or religious nature), excluding those which are against Jesus Christ, the Holy Scriptures, or which create strife between nations and religions, or which promote occult and pseudo-scientific knowledge. The ProSvet Project is mostly for the Russian audience, therefore materials in Russian are of greater value to us. You can ask site administrator to make sure that your materials are acceptable.
Copyrights are appreciated. The only materials we are going to publish are those which don't violate copyright laws. You need to obtain express consent from the copyright holders prior to requesting publication of any materials. You must give me a chance to contact copyright holders directly to verify that everything is O.K.
Christian videos needed (in digital format):
High quality images (pictures, photos) needed (in digital format):
Texts on biblical archaeology and ancient history, early Church history.
You can leave me a message.
“Pravo Na Zhizn” (Right to life), pro-life site in Russian - http://pravo.prosvet.org/
“Rosá” (that is Dew of Heaven) Christian Church In Moscow, Russia - http://i4j.net/rosa/
Creation Worldview Ministries (Dr. Grady S. McMurtry) - http://www.creationworldview.org/
Answering Islam - http://www.answering-islam.org/
Focus on the Family - http://www.family.org/
e-Sword Free Bible Study Software - http://www.e-sword.net/
Kind regards
Pavel M. Tikhonov.
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Last edited: 2006-02-08; 17:19:06 (Moscow, Russia)